I really need to get cracking on the updates!
Here's an idea of what's to come, in no specific order:
An EDC post (AKA "pocket dump")
Review: Maglite XL50
Review: Droid 2 Global (along with comparison to the Droid 1)
Review: Smith & Wesson M&P compact (as soon as I finish filming and editing the video review)
Review: Holsters - N82 Tactical and Blackhawk CQC Serpa
Review: 1994 Isuzu Trooper (yes, I am serious)
Short Story: How we survived the zombie apocalypse
Introduction: A yet un-named Sci-fi series I'm currently writing
Opinion: Why driving tests should be harder
And finally,
Random Thought! Everyone has thought at some point or another what they would do if they had X-amount of dollars. I've thought of it multiple times. Buy every random toy you can think of, donate some of it to church or charity, give some to your family, etc.
Have you ever sat down and tried to see how much you could with what you have now?
I took the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class not too long ago, and some of the things he stressed was budgeting, saving up for emergency funds, retirements and investments, and ditching your debt. Since then, I've been trying to live pretty tight with my minimum wage income. I'm not even "making it" by today's standards; I live with my grandparents in their house, I sometimes get my bills paid on time, and a good third of my paycheck goes straight to my truck's fuel tank. I can think of only one other time in my life where I made less money (being unemployed doesn't count), and yet I'm never completely broke. Haven't been for months.
Know why?
Planning! One of the first things Dave hammers into your head is that you have to make your money work FOR you. When I did my first budget, I was almost disgusted with how much money I was hemorrhaging - and I never realized it until that point.
So for today's random thought, I say this: If you find yourself asking where all your money went, try to sit down and write everything you've spent down on paper.
I will not lie, it's INCREDIBLY boring, and I promise you'll ask yourself why you're wasting your time at least 15 times... minimum. Do it anyway. Your results will probably surprise you, and you'll start thanking yourself when the bank stops sending you overdraft notices.
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